De Neef Sheet Pile Grout
Grout contractors can approach these problems through either injection or soak and place methods. In the municipal market Grace offers chemical grouting products for the grouting of mainline and lateral sewers, manhole remediation and repairs to storm pipes, box culverts and water tanks. These chemical grouting solutions can be applied with remote packers, by drill and place methods or by direct injection into soils.
To serve the geo-grouting market there are a wide range of rigid polyurethane chemical grouts, acrylate gels, and micro fine cements to solve soil improvement issues, groundwater remediation problems and support of excavation challenges. Grouting contractors who use down-hole packers, strainer pipes, or through wall installation techniques choose Grace De Neef® grouts for versatility and performance.
For tunnels and dams, Grace offers a wide range of Grace De Neef products for specialty applications such as TBM pre-grouting, rock stabilization, void filling, and groundwater control. Whether the engineer or grouting contractor is looking for a groundwater controlling gel, a soil stabilizing micro fine cement or a two component polyurethane grout, De Neef® grout is the optimal solution. In addition to these leading edge technologies, Grace has the technical expertise to help the grout contractors apply these chemistries to the specific challenges of the project. It is this commitment to solving problems on every job site that sets the Grace technical specialists a step above the rest.
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